Hello folks, thanks for stopping by! I just wanted to quickly write down a few thoughts. Now I seriously doubt that I have any regular viewers/visitors to my blog so to whoever may have frequented it before, I appreciate the support and I feel bad for not expressing it prior to this post. Seeing visitors coming to my page and YouTube channel gives me a tremendous amount of drive to continue writing.
The short explanation for my disappearance is simply that, very unfortunately, my marriage failed. I continued to write for a short time afterwards but it was quite difficult to find the proper motivation to exercise my creative writing for this passion in fragrances that I have. Since all of that took place, I moved to a few different places spanning a few thousand miles here in the United States.
The good news though is that I feel I've handled the situation with a level-head (in most instances) and have made the right decisions in moving forward with my life. I've had some extremely healthy experiences and have been fortunate enough to have two very dear people come into my life and alleviate the negative haze which I had to push aside for so long.
The two things that have remained a constant though are my passion for fragrance and my love for my children; even during the time where I have not written or vlogged about it. I've continued to add small decants to my collection and very lightly study them, so my nose is just as ready as it's ever been to re-ignite my love of writing and journalism.
If you have made it this far in reading then I thank you from the bottom of my heart as I pour a lot of passion into my writing and it is one thing that I really don't take lightly. I want to ask for your feedback and suggestions on improving my content, no matter how big or small, because I really do love expressing myself with this medium. I look forward to hearing from you, whoever you are! =D
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