Friday, April 18, 2014

The House of Creed

Hello, to those reading, I am simply making a quick entry to both sate my enthusiasm and inform a few people who keep in touch with my hobby of scents. I recently announced on my facebook timeline that I indulged in one last high-end fragrance for the year as a special treat to myself before my next child makes it's appearance. As I await the arrival of the fragrance, which I won't reveal until I find I know enough about it personally, I wanted to give a little information as to help illustrate why I am so utterly excited to receive and review it.

As the title suggests, it is from the House of Creed which was founded in 1760 by James Creed. Since then the technique used in the private yet world renowned perfumery has been revered as the scent of royalty and reserved for only the highest of the high-class society. James Creed and his technique quickly gained such notoriety as to become a favorite of Queen Victoria and soon after was appointed as the official supplier of fragrance to the crown. As the fame of his fragrances' sophistication, originality and quality continued to rise so did the demand. As one article states, "Creed quickly became the fragrance of choice for all the Courts of Europe: from NapolĂ©on III to Empress Eugenia, Francois Joseph to Elizabeth of Austria-Hungary, and Queen Christina of Spain."

Now all the way down the line in our current time, the house has reached it's sixth generation in perfumery with a man named Olivier Creed who has made his way by not only releasing Creed's most popular scent, Aventus, but also by making his line of fragrances available to the public. Anyone who knows me will understand that I appreciate timeless pieces of history and this is bound to be one of them that I cannot let pass. Not only from the name do I derive the timeless tradition...but the scent on it's way to me was worn by one of our most adored U.S. Presidents many years ago.

I hope you'll join me on my next review which has generated enough hype in me it could be likened to a gamer's obsession with obtaining his masterpiece collectors edition box on it's first day of release =).

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